EMC2 ——Linux系统下的CNC控制软件,在YouTube能看到它的身影很多,但在我们这里很少见到它的身影,也就是一些简单数控的雕刻机上能见它,关于它的中文介绍更是少的可怜,想到华中数控,广州数控,不知它们是不是借鉴这里的技术。现在数控系统几乎是小日本与德国的天下,小日本的比较封闭点,如FANUC搞了个900保密参数,即使有这个功能也不让你用,还是德国的比较开放,文章也比较多。这个开源的EMC2不知今后会怎么样,觉得我们应该推广它,了解它,下面是其官方网上的介绍。
About the software
- EMC (the Enhanced Machine Control) is a software system for computer control of machine tools such as milling machines and lathes.
- EMC is free software with open source code. Current versions of EMC are entirely licensed under the GNU General Public License, (GPL and LGPL,) and older versions of the software are available in the public domain.
- EMC provides:
- a graphical user interface (actually several interfaces to chose from)
- an interpreter for "G-code " (the RS-274 machine tool programming language)
- a realtime motion planning system with look-ahead
- operation of low-level machine electronics such as sensors and motor drives
- an easy to use "breadboard" layer for quickly creating a unique configuration for your machine
- a software PLC programmable with ladder diagrams
- easy installation with .deb packages or a Live-CD
It does not provide drawing (CAD - Computer Aided Design) or G-code generation from the drawing (CAM - Computer Automated Manufacturing) functions.
- It can simultaneously move up to 6 axes and supports a variety of interfaces.
- The control can operate true servos (analog or PWM) with the feedback loop closed by the EMC software at the computer, or open loop with "step-servos" or stepper motors.
- Motion control features include: cutter radius and length compensation, path deviation limited to a specified tolerance, lathe threading, synchronized axis motion, adaptive feedrate, operator feed override, and constant velocity control.
- Support for non-Cartesian motion systems is provided via custom kinematics modules. Available architectures include hexapods (Stewart platforms and similar concepts) and systems with rotary joints to provide motion such as PUMA or SCARA robots.
- EMC runs on Linux using real time extensions. Support currently exists for version 2.4 and 2.6 Linux kernels with real time extensions applied by RT-Linux or RTAI patches.
About the people
- A lot of people have worked and still work on EMC, most of them can be seen on the developers list;
- The current Board of Directors are responsible for major project decisions and as a point of contact with business.
- There is also a geographical map of some of our users;
LinuxCNC and EMC are non-commercial efforts. Many individuals have contributed vast amounts of time and effort to help advance the state of EMC.
Such is the nature of an open source project and you can get a feel for where the effort has come from by reading our mailing lists and examining the files committed to the SourceForge archives. We thank all the people who have contributed.
Additionally we would like to acknowledge the efforts of the following organizations that have helped:
- The National Institutes of Standards and Technology , US Department of Commerce - the original creators of the EMC software and a major continuing contributor to software development related to EMC.
- PMDX who provide hosting and support for the LinuxCNC web site.
- Sherline Products, Inc. who host the BDI downloads and other large files.
- The Smithy Company who provided meeting facilities for the EMC Fest.